RCSC Programs

Here are some of the programs and classes that RCSC offers, check them out to see which option suits your needs!


For those of you who like a butt kicking cardiovascular workout, this program is just for you. These workouts take on all different types of exercises and exercise programs with keeping one thing in mind…ITS HARD WORK!! All fitness levels are welcome to participate, so come on out!

Functional Fitness

Using a wide variety of functional movements, this class incorporates Metabolic Conditioning, Gymnastics and Olympic Lifting to promote growth as an athlete and most importantly as a human! All levels of fitness are welcome to try out this program as movements and weights can be scaled to your individual level by your coach.  Each RCSC member can attend any of the classes offered by RCSC (Bootcamp/Functional Fitness).

Bars & Bells

Similar to that of a regular Functional Fitness class with the exception that this class is solely designed to work on absolute strength and the mechanics of some of the heavier movements seen in Functional Fitness and Powerlifting.


Comparable to a ‘Fundamentals’ class or a ‘Workshops’ class that we have ran in the past, this class is designed for all types of fitness levels to enhance your knowledge on the movements you would see during class workouts.  We will be covering all of the basic Functional Fitness movements and their mechanics to help better not only your fitness levels but your basic movement pattern as well.  This is a SKILL-ONLY class and will focus mainly on the Gymnastic component of Functional Fitness.

Mobility & Midline

As we tend to shy away from focusing on posture, ROM, and flexibility during our regular Functional Fitness classes, throughout these 60-minute classes, you will be coached through movements designed to activate your core and posterior/anterior chains with the hopes of increasing your overall performance.  This class NOW AVAILABLE to Bootcamp Memberships.

Olympic Lifting

This program is designed for the athlete that is looking to brush up on the mechanics of the two Olympic lifts; the snatch and the clean and jerk. Each movement will be broken down into pieces to help each athlete feel more comfortable lifting during their Functional Fitness workouts.  Unlimited members have access to this class for free as part of their membership.


Plyometrics are exercises/movements involving repeated rapid stretching and contracting of muscles (as by jumping and rebounding) to increase muscle power.  This is a wonderful accessory class to the Functional Fitness and Olympic Lifting Program as you will be exposed to movements specific to building power and speed that you wouldn’t typically see in a Functional Fitness class.  This class is open to all types of fitness levels.


The primary intention of Yoga is to master the mind, body and emotions to enhance our way of life and in many ways, Functional Fitness looks for the same outcome. We show up at the gym regularly, we push hard against our physical & mental barriers, always striving towards improving ourselves.  Come out to this excellent class and great addition to any workout program.  Free with an UNLIMITED membership.  Please bring your own yoga mat, towel and water bottle.

Personal Training/Private Coaching Sessions

Do you need a little more individual attention when it comes to your movements, program, and personal progress?  At RCSC we offer private sessions where you and a coach can go 1 on 1 to determine what your needs are, break them down and work on them in detail in order to achieve success!

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