WOD [Saturday] 081520

Plyometrics – 9am (50 Minutes)Coach Jenna – Quick Feet/Sprints

CrossFit – 10am (60 Minutes)Coach Jenna



In Teams Of 2 Complete For Time:

“Filthy Fifty With A Twisty”

2 Rounds of:

50 Box Hops (20/24″)

50 Jumping Pullups

50 KB Swings (1/1.5 Pood)

50 Steps Walking Lunge

50 K2E

50 Push Press (Bar)

50 Good Mornings (Bar)

50 Thrusters (Bar)

50 Burpees

50 Double Unders

[Both Partners Work AT THE SAME TIME]

Accessory (Core)

4 Sets of:

15 Partner Leg Throwdowns